Mailing Lists

Exchanges information in astronomy, announces conferences, coordinates observations and related activities. Sponsored by SAB: Socieadade Astronomica Brasileira.
ASTRO ( Astronomy Discussion List )
Discussion of astronomy and related topics, with emphasis on current happenings, discoveries, and theory. Sponsored by the Atlanta Astronomy Club.
This is a mailing list for those interested in becoming an astronaut. The list is restricted to discussions of issues related to becoming an astronaut.
Canadian Space Geodesy Forum ( CANSPACE )
The Canadian Space Geodesy Forum (CANSPACE) is a computer-communications-based information dissemination and discussion group that was established several years ago as an aid to improving communication among scientists and engineers working with the techniques of space geodesy. Among topics discussed are the Navstar Global Positioning System (GPS), Glonass, Transit, very long baseline interferometry, satellite laser ranging, satellite altimetry, etc. Daily postings of information bulletins include GPS satellite constellation status reports (Department of Defense Notice Advisories to Navstar Users) and reports of solar and geomagnetic field activity. Information concerning satellite launches and orbital elements is posted regularly. Although initially intended to link Canadian geodesists and geophysicists together, CANSPACE now has a wide international subscriber list and is open to all. Questions are particularly encouraged.
Discussion of astronomy and related topics, with emphasis on current happenings, discoveries, and theory. In Spanish. Not moderated.
dishfits ( single-dish FITS discussions )
This Email exploder is for discussions of the use of FITS for single-dish radio astronomy. The traffic is archived at
Earth and Sky
This is a weekly on-line publication for the public to learn more about Earth science and astronomy. It consists of transcripts of radio programs aired daily on the Earth & Sky Radio Series, which is hosted by Deborah Byrd and Joel Block. The series broadcasts on more than 500 stations in the United States and on a variety of other stations across the globe.
fitsbits ( exploder gated to news:sci.astro.fits )
The unmoderated USENET newsgroup sci.astro.fits provides a forum for the discussion of all topics concerning the FITS [Flexible Image Transport System] data format, the standard data interchange and archival format of the worldwide astronomy community. The newsgroup is interfaced to the Email exploder so that traffic originating on either the newsgroup on the exploder is automatically transmitted to the other.
History of Astronomy Discussion Group
Illini Space Development Society ( ISDS list )
InfoVista ( LickVista )
Discussion of the use and development of the Vista astronomical data reduction package which originated at Lick Observatory.
International Student Space Simulations ( ISSS )
International Student Space Simulations is a teaching method that challenges students to design, construct, and live in a self- contained habitat for an extended period of time.
Israeli Space and Remote Sensing Bulletin ( SPACE-IL )
Israeli Space and Remote Sensing Bulletin announces events, opportunities and new publicatons in areas related to the Israeli space and remote sensing community. Produced for the Israeli Space Agency, Ministry of Science and Development by the Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis and Forecasting at Tel-Aviv University.
Networks those affiliated with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope.
Space News Archive ( SPACENEWS )
Announcements of space-related news items. Moderated.
Space Policy Archive ( SPACEPOL )
Space Policy digest ( newsgroup) Discussions about political, economic, and policy aspects of spaceflight.
Space Science Archive ( SPACESCI )
Space Science digest ( newsgroup) Planetary science, space-based astronomy, and other space science. Moderated.
Space Shuttle Archive ( SPACE-SH )
Space Shuttle digest ( newsgroup) The space shuttle and the STS program.
Space Tech Archive ( SPACE )
Space Tech digest ( newsgroup) Technology and general issues related to space flight. (Moderated) **note** This digest is completely different from the space-tech-digest run by Marc Ringuette.
SSIN ( Student Solar Information Network )
Provides information, news, resources and conference details free to anyone studying solar and renewable energy. Contact:
Students for Exploration and Development of Space List ( SEDS-L )
Discusses issues related to interchapter communication for SEDS (Students for Exploration and Development of Space) and space in general.
Students for Exploration and Development of Space News ( SEDSNEWS )
News about space from SEDS (Students for Exploration and Development of Space). Distributes informational postings from several space research facilities.

Updated on 96/9/16 8:38 GMT by Sergio Paoli